Vocals for Refugees
United in intergrating refugees-VOCALS FOR REFUGEES- is a project embracing the universal language that overcomes all cultural barriers and has the power to connect every single one of us: the language of music.
The path this project is taking is as versatile as the people involved, Turning real life intergration into a rewarding and unifying experience.
Project Objective: Integration
At the forefront of the initiative VOCALS FOR REFUGEES, stand the values of acceptance and intergration of refugees. It's about building and strenthening tolerance for cultural differences among the community of Lower Saxony. The project would like to give young adults who have fled their home countries a chance to access German culture aswell as open doors to the community of Buchholz. This offers the upcoming generation a possibility to actively become inolved in German culture and intergration. Be it on a private or academic level, we hope to evoke an interest in their personal future. Tens of thousands of migrants have a longterm status in various parts of the country. Intergration needs to be practiced, whether it be in in education, business or actual society. Buchholz is no exception where we see hundreds of adults and children needing guidance within our community.
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